Founder Stories - Canny Blog How to build a more informed product Fri, 25 Aug 2023 18:56:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Founder Stories - Canny Blog 32 32 Canny in Japan: post-retreat reflections + videos & tips for team retreats Thu, 13 Jul 2023 10:17:00 +0000 We flew 14 team members from 10 different cities to Tokyo. We spent 9 days together working, exploring, singing, and brainstorming. Here’s what went down.

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The post Canny in Japan: post-retreat reflections + videos & tips for team retreats appeared first on Canny Blog.

We flew 14 team members from 10 different cities to Tokyo. We spent 9 days together working, exploring, singing, and brainstorming. Here’s what went down.

Why retreats?

Our semi-annual retreats have been at the core of Canny since the very beginning. Because we’re all remote, we really need this quality time together. Over the years, we’ve noticed how much closer we all become after spending a week together in an unfamiliar place.

Canny in Mexico City

This retreat has been the most logistically challenging one yet.


We always start planning our next retreat soon after the previous one is over. So, we started planning for a May retreat in Tokyo in November. We had to consider:

  • Visa requirements
  • COVID restrictions
  • Flights and layovers (we have team members in the US, Canada, Spain, Turkey, and the UK)
  • Accommodations for 14 people
  • Activities and meals
  • Costs for all of the above

So yeah, it was a task and a half. But boy was it worth it! Here’s how we approached it.

How we made it happen

We started by assessing all the costs – of getting there and being there for 9 days. We tracked flights from each location (and scored some sweet deals!) and compared prices for hotels and Airbnbs.


We split the team by departments and booked 2 different Airbnbs (with 5 units in total). Luckily, they were only 5 minutes away from each other. This was very important to scheduling team meetings and hangouts together.

Meals and activities

For meals and activities, we tried to plan in advance. Getting a table for 14 people in a Tokyo restaurant is probably a lot to ask for, so we had to be resourceful.

As soon as we locked down Tokyo as a destination, we created a Canny board for ideas and voting. Yes, we used our own software for retreat planning. 😎

Anyone could submit ideas and vote on them. That’s how we came up with a shortlist of things to do and see.

We also found and saved some highly-rated restaurants (using Google and Tabelog) in advance. Once we were there, we split into smaller groups to find tables easier.

We booked some activities months in advance – teamLab Planets Tokyo, the Ghibli Museum, and Urayasu Ooedo Onsen. Each of them was incredible!

Important: every activity was entirely optional.

Our team is now quite big, so we had to consider everyone’s preferences. It’s very important not to leave anyone out, but also not to force people to do anything they’re uncomfortable with. 

We’re lucky though – our team is usually on the same page, and we all vibe very well together.

Finally, we had a Notion document with some FAQs and important information about Japan. We  wanted to ensure that our team understood the culture and that we were prepared and respectful.

Exploring Tokyo

After all the planning, we finally arrived in Japan. A few of us landed earlier to explore beforehand. And, some of us stayed later to keep exploring.

The team met on May 11 and found our way to Komagome – that’s where we were based for the next 9 days.

We chose this area because it’s:

  • Quiet
  • Has a subway station
  • Has lots of food options
  • Close to key attractions

As we waited for everyone to arrive, we got some Japanese snacks from 7-Eleven and just hung out.

During these 9 days, we saw a lot. In particular:

  • Inokashira park
  • Ghibli museum
  • Shibuya
  • Akihabara
  • Karaoke 2x
  • Urayasu Ooedo Onsen
  • teamLab Planets Tokyo
  • Arcades
  • Kamakura
  • Cat cafe
  • Shinjuku

We got some rainy days, so we swapped weekends and weekdays to make the most out of this trip.

We tried all the Japanese food we could find and made many memories together.

It’s bound to happen: with such a large group, people can get lost and separated. During our team outings, that happened a few times. Don’t worry – we all found each other in the end!

We came up with an idea for next time – ask people to pair up. This way, if someone’s lost, at least they’re not alone.

You can swap buddies each day too – just to mix it up. We’ll try it next time and will report back!


As always, these team retreats are centered around team collaboration. We had several very productive meetings and brainstorming sessions. Anyone could create and lead a meeting too.

We talked about:

  • The future of Canny
  • Product specifics and direction
  • Pricing
  • Operations
  • Marketing
  • And more

Important: we made sure that each meeting had an owner. It’s easy to get lost in brainstorming and not assign any action items. So we did our best to prevent it.

We also created lots of content, taking advantage of being in such an awesome and unfamiliar place.


This trip was a truly amazing and one-of-a-kind experience. Everyone took away something unique and special for them. Here are some of the learnings from this trip:

  • Plan in advance, as much as possible
  • Don’t assume anything – research all prices, accommodations, and unique quirks about your destination
  • Involve team members and plan together
  • Be flexible and ready for plans to change
  • Be ready to split into smaller groups
  • Have an open mind and encourage every team member to do the same
  • Rest, try to avoid FOMO, and enjoy

One thing’s for sure: we’re all still in awe of Japan and our team. We’re now extra-motivated to work hard and bring our ideas to life. And, of course, we’re looking forward to our next adventure together.

Maria Vasserman

Maria loves all things creative – writing, photography, movies and beyond 🎥 When she's not creating content to tell the world about Canny, she's either photographing a wedding, jumping at a rock concert, camping, travelling, snowboarding, or walking her dog 🐕‍🦺

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Canny year 7: welcoming 4 new cannisters! Thu, 22 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 We still can’t fully comprehend it, but Canny’s team is 18 people (we call ourselves “cannisters”) now! We want to introduce some of our newest cannisters.

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The post Canny year 7: welcoming 4 new cannisters! appeared first on Canny Blog.

We still can’t fully comprehend it, but Canny’s team is 18 people (we call ourselves “cannisters”) now! Still, with no external funding, we’re growing like never before. We’d like to introduce some of our newest cannisters. Keep reading to learn more about each of them!

Clare Garrity, Operations Lead

Clare has been working in SaaS since 2014, leading operations and people functions at a number of international startups. A lover of questions, she has always been fascinated by the people around her and the processes that exist within businesses. 

Originally from Ontario, Canada, Clare currently lives in Vancouver. In the past, she’s lived and worked in Ireland, the UK, and Australia.

Clare ‌joined Canny to lead our business operations. This includes people ops, compliance, legal, finance, and working with our customer-facing teams. 

Here’s what Clare says about working at Canny:

“Canny is the first role where I can use all of my professional experience every day. I get to strategize, execute, be creative, and work with highly intelligent and motivated people. Everyone on the team gets a lot of trust, autonomy, and support. Canny listens and values everyone’s voice and opinion, and I love that.”

When she’s not working closely with our co-founder, Andrew, on operations, she’s usually walking the Vancouver sea wall with her dog Chico or bringing her imagination to life in some creative way. At the moment, it’s abstract painting.

Sara Al Mouaswas, Developer

Sara grew up in Amman, Jordan, before moving to Toronto to study human biology & psychology. Early in her career, she discovered her passion for software development and has stuck with it ever since.

When she’s not developing the next great Canny feature, Sara’s getting ambushed by her dogs, Plato and Chandler (and occasionally other neighborhood pets), exploring with her fiance, Sina, or going for a swim.

“Besides the amazing team, I love the product! It is really motivating to be building features that were directly requested and voted on by Canny users. Now when I’m going about my daily routine, I start wishing that more tools I love used Canny so I can give the tools’ developers ideas I have, and know that the message will get to them.”

Kaman Hui, Growth Marketer

Kaman was born in Hong Kong and now lives in Canada. She speaks English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

Kaman loves learning new things and is currently taking a tea sommelier course! She’s learning about teas from all over the world. Soon, she’ll be able to identify tea’s region in a blind test!

Here’s what Kaman says about working at Canny:

“Love the people at Canny! Everyone is so unique yet gets along so well. The team is full of smart cookies and has been great to work with. The culture is also amazing. No ego, open-minded, and flexible. There’s a strong sense of trust in everyone’s work and expertise.”

Niall Dickin, Developer

Niall is the newest addition to our team. He was born and grew up in the UK, exploring all the hiking trails and pubs that the country has to offer. Now he’s moved to Vancouver, Canada, with plans to explore hiking on this side of the planet.

Niall’s always keen to try new things. So far in Vancouver he’s tried outdoor bouldering and a pottery course. He’s planning to add surfing, skydiving, and ice climbing to that list before 2023 is over!

Here’s what Niall says about working at Canny:

Working at Canny is like a breath of fresh air. The people are lovely and are all super smart and switched on, plus the retreat in Japan (which was my 2nd week on the job!) was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on. Best of all, you’re given complete trust and control over your work: you can work around your schedule at times that suit you.”

The Cannisters

We love our small but growing team. From our team retreats to daily Slack conversations, it’s always fun when we’re together.

We’re very lucky to work with such talented and driven people. Here’s to making Canny even greater for all of you!

Maria Vasserman

Maria loves all things creative – writing, photography, movies and beyond 🎥 When she's not creating content to tell the world about Canny, she's either photographing a wedding, jumping at a rock concert, camping, travelling, snowboarding, or walking her dog 🐕‍🦺

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How to handle productivity guilt as a SaaS founder Thu, 16 Feb 2023 15:51:12 +0000 Startup founders are built to doubt themselves. So here are a few tips on how to handle productivity guilt and regain your confidence.

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The post How to handle productivity guilt as a SaaS founder appeared first on Canny Blog.

Time is running out. We’re already one month into 2023. The inspiration from the New Year’s resolutions is burning off, and you’re left with endless to-do lists. Productivity guilt is real.

Now’s the time when everyone starts sharing their amazing accomplishments, their growing numbers, and their big wins. It’s easy to get sucked into this comparison game and feel not so great about yourself.

Turns out that the business world isn’t that much different from the everyday social media world. Someone’s always better, stronger, faster, younger, more agile, and overall more successful. Or, so it seems. This can take a significant toll on our mental health.

Startup founders are built to doubt themselves. No matter how far you’ve come, you’re always comparing yourself to that large and well-known competitor. And suddenly your achievements don’t seem so grand. So here are a few tips on how to break that unhealthy habit and regain your confidence.

Focus on cold hard facts

This will be different for everyone. But try your best not to compare yourself to others blindly. Analyze your numbers (whichever are the most important to you). And then compare them to your own numbers from last year, from the year prior, from year one of your business. Better yet, calculate that growth percentage. Yes, it’s easy to grow 500% at the beginning because you started with nothing. But still – pat yourself on the back for that.

Bottom line: try to outperform your old self.

Moreover, you could be comparing your fourth year to somebody else’s fourteenth year. And that’s clearly not a fair comparison. So, keep that context in mind.

It’s good to look to others for some aspirational routines, but don’t let that bring you anxiety.

Instead, analyze what went right and led to your success. Break down what could have been better and how you can use that as a learning opportunity. Try to document all of that too, and set reminders to refer back to those notes.

Better yet – try to analyze competitors’ wins and, more importantly, fails. You can probably learn a lot from them too and prevent similar mishaps in the future.

Inspire your team

It’s good to be competitive, always challenge the status quo, and reach for the moon. But…not everyone enjoys that. Some creative thinkers will get demotivated very quickly if they feel like they’re never good enough.

Has this ever happened to you?

  • You come home from school with an A- only to hear your mum say: “Oh, I wonder why it’s not an A or an A+”?
  • Or maybe you come across a social media profile of someone you knew in high school and conclude that they’re much more successful than you (psst: it’s probably not true).

That’s how your team might feel when you set moving targets for them.

It’s OK if you work best this way. Keep at it! But figure out what your team needs and encourage them in the way that works best for them.

One way to combat this feeling of “not good enough” is to set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) goals. You’ve probably heard this acronym before, and it really does work.

SMART goals

When your goals are SMART, your team can better align on the desired outcome. And then you’ll all know from the beginning what you’re working towards, what success looks like, and what the expectations are.

Improve everyday productivity

Sometimes we get too caught up in our quarterly or even yearly goals (OKRs, KRAs, etc) and lose sight of what’s happening daily. Chances are, you could increase your everyday productivity and see awesome benefits quickly.

Assess how you spend your time on any given day. Is there any wasted time? Once again, don’t beat yourself up. Just set a reasonable expectation for yourself and your team. A never-ending list of items leads to burnout and too many unfinished tasks. So look for balance.

Here are a few productivity tips from Sarah Hum, co-founder at Canny:

  • Block off time in your calendar for calls/meetings so the rest of the time can be used for focus
  • Prioritize your tasks
  • If you’re on the fence about doing something, say no
  • Fewer meetings, more async
  • Learn how to be good at delegation

Little things like that can lead to very big changes in the long run. Time management is tricky, but it makes all the difference.

Strive for balance, not perfection

Balance is key. If you’re constantly juggling more projects and tasks than you can handle, you’ll eventually burn out. You need to take time to recharge your batteries and enjoy life. 

Remember: your team looks up to you and mimics your work style. If they see that you’re always working after hours and on weekends, they’ll feel obligated to do the same. And that hustle culture can be too much for some people and can lead to people leaving your team.

So encourage a healthy distraction!

Team Hangs

At Canny, we have many Slack channels to just chat. We also have random coffee chats every week (a Slack bot pairs us up each Monday). Once every 2 months we have a 90-minute “Team Hangs” call (attendance is always optional!). And we always talk about our weekends and fun things during every call.

Coffee chats

These breaks between tasks really help us all unwind and get inspired. Try them out!

Celebrate wins, big and small

You’ve come a long way. No matter where you are right now, you’ve worked hard to reach this level. So did your team. So take a moment to celebrate.

Remember – it’s only natural to feel guilty, “not good enough”, get that imposter syndrome, and everything that comes with it. So acknowledge it. And then put your head down and keep going.

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Sarah Hum

Hey there, I'm one of the co-founders of Canny. As a founder, I dabble in pretty much everything but my expertise is in product design. Outside work, I enjoy digital illustration, a cappella, and hanging out with our dog, Emmy.

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Meet Canny’s Class of 2022! Wed, 23 Nov 2022 16:56:59 +0000 Canny grew a lot in 2022. Not only are we working with more companies than ever, we have also built a ton of new features. To do all of that, we needed to grow our team… a lot. Get to know our new team members in this post.

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The post Meet Canny’s Class of 2022! appeared first on Canny Blog.

🌟 13 people (and we’re hiring!)

🌟 $3.5M+ ARR

🌟 $0 external funding

🌟 2500+ teams using Canny

2022 was a huge year for us. We’ve set super high goals, so we needed lots of support to make it all happen. The best way to do that? Hire great people! So let’s get to know each other.

Austin Boyd, aka Gingie, aka Support Lead

Austin joined us right at the beginning of 2022. He leads our support team (and our cool factor). Don’t believe us? Here are a few facts about Austin:

  • Born in California, grew up skating and listening to punk rock
  • Opened his own custom leather goods store in California
  • Created a tiki bar in his garage
  • Played in a band, still writes music and learns all about jazz & blues in his spare time

What did we tell you?

We asked Austin – what’s his favorite thing about Canny? He replied: “Definitely the coworkers! Being able to work in an environment where everyone gets along and is working toward a common goal is definitely the best part. The company culture at Canny is unmatched!”

Eric Hoppe, aka Hop, aka Marketing Lead

Eric joined Canny shortly after Austin as our head of marketing. Since then, a lot more people have found out about Canny 🙂

Eric studied in Hong Kong and now lives in Victoria, BC. He has 5 (!!!) pets with his spouse (3 dogs and 2 cats). Some of these pets professionally compete in various dog sports! Here are some of Eric’s favorite things:

  • His spouse and pets
  • Coke Zero
  • The Midnight (a synthwave band)
  • Lego
  • The Office
  • Dad jokes

“It’s tough to say what my favorite thing about working at Canny is because it’s been awesome overall. But, if pressed, I’d have to say the team. Everyone is incredibly talented, friendly, and great to work with. Makes coming to work each day (virtually) enjoyable, and hanging out in person on retreats is a blast.

Fardeen Chowdhury, aka Closedeen, aka Product Designer

Fardeen got hired because he was wearing his The Midnight sweater while interviewing with Eric. True story.

In all seriousness, Fardeen is an amazing designer who “makes things look as pretty as he is”. OK, this wasn’t serious either.

He hasn’t always been a designer. He actually studied bioinformatics but found his true passion in design.

Aside from work, Fardeen can lift insane weights. He’s also super good at motivating others to do the same. He’s also learning to play the drums (Canny band coming soon!) and loves collecting watches.

We asked Fardeen what he loves about Canny. Here’s what he said.

“I think a lot of what makes Canny great is the team. These are some of the most capable, passionate and skilled individuals I’ve met. They’re also amongst the most pleasant people to spend time with. 

I think the other big factor that makes being at Canny very enjoyable is the fact that it’s bootstrapped. Sarah and Andrew are extremely proactive, diligent and resilient leaders. Their passion is infectious.

All the folks at Canny are also very design-minded. From the engineers to the marketers, everyone cares about quality and wants the product to look amazing and feel even better to use.”

Alice Wong, aka Wongton, aka Head of Growth

Alice is the definition of fun and adventure. She somehow knows everyone, no matter where she is. She gets you into the best club/bar/lounge and lives life to the fullest. She spent the last few years travelling the world, meeting new people, hiking, snowboarding and exploring.

She was born and raised in Toronto in a big family. Her sister is her best friend. Alice is the middle child, which is why, in her own words: “I’m the attention-seeking, loud and naughty one”.

Right now she lives in Fort Lauderdale, FL. And…she’s not sure where she’ll be tomorrow!

Alice says: “I love how we infused feedback into our culture. We built a level of trust where we are always asking each other to chip into ideas.”

Maria Vasserman, aka Masha, aka Content Marketing Manager

Maria got hired because Alice knew her from college. Kidding again! But that was a funny coincidence – the world is actually so small!

She joined to ramp up our content – blogs, social media, videos and everything in between.

On the side, she runs a photography business with her husband. They focus on couples and weddings.

When she’s not taking photos, she’s travelling, snowboarding, biking, hiking, camping and watching good movies. She’s also auditioning for the Canny band soon – as soon as she re-learns the guitar!

“I can’t pick one thing that I love the most about Canny. It’s a combination of:

  • The trust I get to own my projects, create and execute our content strategy
  • The absolutely amazing, interesting and brilliant co-workers
  • Our team retreats of course!

I’ve never felt this motivated, supported and excited.”

Sümeyra Davran, aka Süm, aka Developer

Süm is really embracing “going with the flow” mentality. She doesn’t typically make long-term plans because life is unpredictable. She values people in her life and is happy when she’s around good company. The rest doesn’t matter that much.

Süm is a life-long learner, especially around psychology, space, technology, art, and economy.

When she’s not learning something new, Süm is crafting some hand-made amigurumi, putting together a puzzle, swimming, playing video games, and most likely drinking coffee.

Team Canny

We honestly couldn’t be happier with our team. Every Zoom call feels like a fun hangout with friends. And every brainstorming session is productive, motivating and entertaining. We can’t wait to see who joins us next. We’re actively hiring, so check out our open roles here!

Maria Vasserman

Maria loves all things creative – writing, photography, movies and beyond 🎥 When she's not creating content to tell the world about Canny, she's either photographing a wedding, jumping at a rock concert, camping, travelling, snowboarding, or walking her dog 🐕‍🦺

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Canny in Mexico City: Post-retreat reflections [+video!] Thu, 17 Nov 2022 14:26:23 +0000 We go on international team retreats twice a year. In this post we share how we organize these retreats, maximize our time together, and foster team building. There’s also a sweet highlights video, so check it out!

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The post Canny in Mexico City: Post-retreat reflections [+video!] appeared first on Canny Blog.

In October 2022, Canny’s team went on a long-awaited retreat. Getting together was extra-special this time: lots of new people joined the team since the last retreat. So meeting everyone in person felt awesome!

Here’s all about our trip, the planning process, and some tips to help you make the most out of your team retreat!


Choosing the location is equally fun and daunting. Researching different places, envisioning our time there, booking accommodations and planning for the trip is definitely fun. But the pressure is also there. We need to consider so many things:

  • Flights from 9 different cities around the world
  • Visa requirements
  • Prices
  • Accommodations
  • Weather
  • Walk score
  • Food options
  • Activities
  • Internet speed and reliability

Mexico City was an awesome choice – it checked all of the boxes. It’s:

  • Accessible
  • Not too strict with visas
  • Affordable
  • Offers great accommodation options
  • Has generally good weather throughout the year
  • Walkable
  • Offers great food choices
  • Has solid options for activities and things to see
  • Reliable internet-wise


Our retreat lasted 8 days, 7 of which were full days – Thursday to Thursday. 

We strategically planned it to include a weekend. We feel like this was just enough time to fully enjoy the city, get lots of work done, and hang out. We also wanted to ensure the retreat wasn’t too long.


There were 11 of us on this trip, so we booked two Airbnbs a block away from each other. The key was to book them early. And it worked out really well! Here are some essential things we prioritized:

  • Large common area for co-working and in-person meetings
  • Fast and reliable internet
  • Bedrooms for each team member
  • Functional kitchens
  • TV to cast presentations on
  • Enough bathrooms

Location-wise, we stayed in an area called La Condesa. It’s central enough, so we walked almost everywhere, but it was also quiet enough so that we could chill after long days filled with activities. 

Speaking of which…


It’s important to plan some activities for the group…but also not to overdo it. If you’re a very active traveler, your first instinct could be to jam-pack the trip with lots of things to do. Alternatively, if you prefer laid-back trips, you might think that you’ll figure it all out once you get there.

The best option, as always, lies in the middle. Here’s our best advice: plan some activities in advance. Get everyone on board and lock them in. But space them out. Those days in between will be a great buffer – some people will make plans on the spot, and others will choose to stay back and relax without feeling the FOMO.

It’s also great to invite activity suggestions from your team. Our team came up with tons of great ideas, and whoever proposed an idea got to take the lead on organizing it. 

Speaking of prioritizing tons of great ideas…we actually created a Canny board to organize our activity ideas and prioritization! Everyone could add ideas and vote on the ideas they liked. It also let us discuss each idea and keep everything organized in one place.

Here are a few things we planned in advance:

  • Lucha Libre (day 2)
  • Teotihuacan (day 4)
  • Escape room (day 6)
  • Final team dinner (day 7)

And here are some activities we added on the spot:

  • National Museum of Anthropology (day 3)
  • Movie night (day 4)
  • Go karting (day 5)
  • Team lunches & dinners (every day)

If you can, plan a day trip too. 

Teotihuacan was our day trip and it was definitely a highlight of the trip for many of us. We explored the ancient culture of Maya, Mixtec, and Zapotec, caves, tunnels and completed a scavenger hunt throughout the day.

It was nice to spend a whole day on an excursion as a team. Highly recommended!

Tip: check Airbnb experiences for some cool excursions like this one.


Since this is a team retreat, it’s important to make it productive. 

Using your in-person time wisely is vital, especially for a fully-remote team like ours. While we all love remote, asynchronous work, some ideas just flow better when we’re all together. 

Plus, you can do fun stuff like filming videos.

How do you make a team retreat productive? A few ideas:

  1. Identify which meetings you want to have
  2. Schedule them in advance
  3. Plan for them – create an agenda, list of attendees, collaboration document (we used Figma, Google Docs, Notion and more)
  4. Decide which content you want to create in advance (i.e. what kind of photos and videos, which format, what equipment you might need, etc.)

Plan for emergencies

Trips are fun, no doubt, but also carry some risk. 

This isn’t meant to scare you though! Just make sure that you prepare. People might get sick or injured, flights may get delayed or canceled, plans will shift, and all of that is OK. 

So try to be aware of that, have back-up plans, alternative arrangements and, of course, a supportive team that will help each other out. Try to be flexible with your schedule and adjust as needed. Also, before the trip, select some decision-makers who will handle these things.

Tip: it’s best if you have someone on the team who speaks the language (we had 3 Spanish speakers) and/or know their way around. If you don’t have that, maybe one of the team members knows someone local?


Finally, make the most out of your trip. We sure did! We all felt like the work-to-fun ratio was on point this time, so we can’t wait to do this again in six months! Stay tuned for the next post-retreat update.

Maria Vasserman

Maria loves all things creative – writing, photography, movies and beyond 🎥 When she's not creating content to tell the world about Canny, she's either photographing a wedding, jumping at a rock concert, camping, travelling, snowboarding, or walking her dog 🐕‍🦺

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The post Canny in Mexico City: Post-retreat reflections [+video!] appeared first on Canny Blog.

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How we’re moving our SaaS upmarket to enterprise sales Wed, 17 Nov 2021 17:53:36 +0000 A big part of Canny's growth is due to us moving upmarket. In the post we're sharing some things our team is keeping in mind as sell to bigger customers.

The post How we’re moving our SaaS upmarket to enterprise sales first appeared on Canny Blog.

The post How we’re moving our SaaS upmarket to enterprise sales appeared first on Canny Blog.

Canny cracked two million dollars in annual recurring revenue a couple months ago. We also now have over one thousand paying customers.
Some great milestones!

What’s more interesting to us is that behind the scenes, a big part of our growth is due to us moving upmarket.

Share of revenue for each Canny plan. From left to right, cheapest to most expensive.

By upmarket, I’m referring to us selling to bigger and bigger companies. This coincides with bigger and bigger deals. You might recognize a few of the logos we have on our homepage.

We started out selling primarily to small startups. This made a lot of sense while our product was in its infancy. 

As a bootstrapped company with founders specializing in building product, we knew we could build something great. We just had to focus on which features were absolutely necessary.

Since launching our MVP (minimum viable product), we’ve grown the team and expanded the product. As we’re able to offer more functionality and cover more use cases, we can also charge more. 

As Patrick from Price Intelligently mentions, around 30%+ of your revenue should be expansion revenue. While this is a guideline, we understand that effectively monetizing our existing customer base is crucial.

We wanted to share what we’ve kept in mind as we make this move upmarket. I’ll also include recommendations for you if your team is making this move as well.

Continually updating how we market ourselves

The way we market ourselves directly affects what kind of companies will sign up for a Canny trial. We’ve made adjustments and improvements in a few areas:


As soon as someone hits our homepage, we need to communicate within seconds that they’re in the right place. We want people who see this page to qualify/disqualify themselves.

Before vs. after the changes to our homepage

We didn’t do a single overhaul of our homepage. It’s all been baby steps, like:

  1. Adjusting our language to be clearer and communicate who the product is for. We show what problems we solve and how we solve them.
  2. Making it look “professional.” We’re selling B2B SaaS software. So, we designed our homepage to be very straightforward and utilitarian. We removed these cute doodles that made us feel more “startupy.” We wanted our homepage to feel like we are a great solution for big businesses.
  3. As we’ve closed bigger and more recognizable customers, we’ve rotated in their logos. This social proof goes a long way for a potential buyer to gain trust and build intrigue. Even better, we aim to have case studies for all of our logos.
  4. Encouraging people to book a demo. Larger companies often want a demo of the product. 

Case studies

Putting together customer stories is a lot of effort but it’s very worthwhile. New prospects can read how similar companies are using our software in their own words. 

Of course we sell ourselves, but when others do it for us, it’s much more effective. Case studies are also a great sales tool.

Some case studies for Canny

Some of our customers have been happy to provide a case study. With others, we include doing a case study built into their contract. 

We aim to feature customers in a variety of roles, and across different industries.

That way, it’s likely a prospect can find a study relevant to them.


Around 20% of people go directly from our homepage to our pricing page. If someone looks at our pricing page and none of the plans seem right for them, they won’t start a trial.

Since the start, we’ve made our buying process self-service and very low touch. We’ve never had a free plan, so from the day we launched, we were charging for the Canny product. 

With our very stripped down MVP, we implemented a 14-day trial (no credit card required upfront), and let people upgrade themselves. 

This worked very well for us and self-serve is still the backbone of our company. I go pretty deep into each of our early pricing changes in this blog post.

As a part of moving upmarket, we’ve set up a custom “Business” plan. This means that packaging and pricing is different per customer. 

Some of our features are only available on the Business plan. This allows us to custom-fit our product to the customer. 

They feel like they’re getting what they need, while we feel like we’re pricing fairly.


Step into the shoes of your ideal customer and evaluate your main landing pages. Better yet, ask ideal customers what they think about your landing pages. 

These pages are your first impression and you want to make sure you get it right. Social proof (logos, case studies, testimonials, etc.) is always great for SaaS.

Figuring out customer support and success

According to ProfitWell, our churn is 50% lower than other SaaS companies of our size.

One of the big pros of moving upmarket is that churn is lower. Contracts are usually annual. and SaaS products, if implemented successfully, become quite sticky.

Churn at Canny. From left to right, cheapest to most expensive.

That said, churn is inevitable, so we go above and beyond to ensure we churn as little as possible.


It’s crucial that we successfully onboard a new customer. We need to make sure they take the steps necessary to get value out of our product.

Ultimately, getting no value equals churn. So how do we manage a successful onboarding?

During the sales process, we get a solid understanding of what they’re trying to achieve. From there we can figure out: Who needs to be involved? What processes need to be put in place?

It’s our job to identify what the best workflows are for our users. We keep our help center up to date to make sure they have the resources they need to set everything up.

For each customer, we know which features they should be using and if they’re using them. Success to us looks like a customer who is getting feedback and utilizing that feedback.

This process can be a lot of effort so I want to mention that we only do this for bigger accounts. We have a great self-serve onboarding process in place for smaller teams. 


Once we’ve put new customers on a path to success, we make sure to schedule regular reviews. We go over their activity in Canny and highlight noteworthy usage. 

This is primarily to make sure that they’re continuing to get value out of our product. If they’re not, we figure out what the blockers are and tackle those.

It’s also a chance for us to make sure that they are aware of new features. Adding value over time improves their experience and will make them less likely to churn.

Expanding their usage also gives us leverage to increase their pricing come renewal.

The customer support side is fairly simple. We just make sure that our bigger customers get priority responses.


Figure out a good cadence to do reviews with your biggest customers. It’s a great way to know ahead of time if a customer is a candidate for churn or expansion. 

It’s also a great time to get the feedback you need to make your product even better for them.

Expanding our product

Working with bigger customers means bigger demands. We often get large feature requests to close deals. We are treading carefully here. 

I’ve written about saying no to big customers. Unless a request is popular amongst existing customers or we’re very excited about it as a team, we won’t build it.

What we’ve really appreciated is that we’ve grown as our customers grow. We’ve been able to see how their needs change over time. 

As teams get more customers, more feedback, and become more complex internally, their needs change. Many of the features we’ve released in the last year have been a result of that insight.

Example of a single customer’s Canny engagement over time

Of course, we use Canny ourselves. We can easily slice our feedback to see what our top paying customers are asking for. We also look at what potential customers are asking for. 

We can see how much revenue impact building a specific feature would have. Sales plays a big part in helping product understand what teams upmarket are looking for.

Filtering by opportunity revenue for feature requests in Canny

Using our roadmapping feature, we can see where a feature might fit in our roadmap. We look at if we have the time and resources to build a feature.

We prioritize based on our goal metrics and weigh features against each other. I’ve written about how we prioritize here.

For every new feature, there’s a consideration of which pricing tier it will be available for. We’re at the stage where almost all of our features are going into our Growth or Business plans. 

As people see more value in the higher tiers, they can easily upgrade to access more value. A good amount of our increased ARPU has come from people expanding their own usage.

As our product becomes more advanced, our design team makes sure we maintain good UX. We’re very selective about which features we decide to support. 

The last thing we want is to build toggles for every customization people ask for. As the feedback experts, our product needs to be prescriptive and opinionated

This is a great way we can ensure our customers find success with Canny.


Keep a close eye on feedback from existing and potential customers. Companies upmarket will tell you what problems they’re running into. 

To move upmarket successfully, you’ll want to tackle the most relevant of these problems.

Figuring out sales

For years, we focused on making Canny a strong inbound engine. Kayla joined Canny earlier this year to head up sales. 

We’re still very much figuring out how to use sales to close large inbound deals and make outbound sales.

So far, what works for us is offering bigger teams personalized demos. Really understanding what problem prospects are looking to solve is key. 

We need to be realistic about if Canny is the right solution for them. It’s in nobody’s best interest to sell something that isn’t a good fit.

The sales process for larger companies is much more complicated. Oftentimes, we need to go through security reviews, legal reviews, and so on. 

There is more policy and paperwork which can add a significant amount of overhead to a deal. We’ve been burned before and have since learned how to protect ourselves better.

At this time, we’re not taking sales metrics too seriously. We want to see what works before turning it into a numbers game.


Ask all the questions you need upfront. You need to have a clear idea of what you’re agreeing to or you’ll waste a lot of time.

Understand what a prospect will need from you and price accordingly. Be very clear about what they’re getting in the quote. 

That way, if changes need to be made, the adjustment in pricing makes sense. You don’t want your prospect to feel you are backing out of a promise.

What’s next?

We have a long way to go and a lot more to learn. We’re finding success slowly moving upmarket and will continue on that path.

If we were venture-backed, we might be compelled to focus on big companies. However, we love our bootstrapped roots and want to support early-stage companies. We won’t be giving up providing Canny to small businesses.

To do that successfully, we have always put an emphasis on design. Canny should be a great user experience whether you’re on our Starter or Business plans.

Additionally, new pricing is something we’ve wanted to tackle for a long time. A pricing change is something that could change the trajectory of our business. 

That said, we want to be very mindful of this change and how it impacts everyone (current customers, our sales team, our support team, and so on).

If you are a past, current, or future customer, we thank you for being part of our journey! We learning a lot and hope to share more down the road.

Onwards to the next million!

Canny free trial

Sarah Hum

Hey there, I'm one of the co-founders of Canny. As a founder, I dabble in pretty much everything but my expertise is in product design. Outside work, I enjoy digital illustration, a cappella, and hanging out with our dog, Emmy.

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Why work at Canny Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:00:04 +0000 Here are some of the reasons why our team loves working at Canny. Check out if these points resonate with you!

The post Why work at Canny first appeared on Canny Blog.

The post Why work at Canny appeared first on Canny Blog.

As a small team, we’re very careful about who we bring on board. They need to be a very solid fit both technically and culturally. We’re looking for the best!

Of course, that’s easier said than done. Competition for great talent is fierce.

Our small, bootstrapped startup is going up against tech giants for rockstar people. In some ways, they can offer a lot more than us.

Sometimes, it seems almost impossible for us to win. Andrew and I fell for it too by joining Facebook straight out of school. The allure is definitely there.

Interning in 2013

However, there are several things about Canny that give us an edge over large corps. They are valuable enough that we’ve built up a team of awesome people. All these people could have easily joined a big company.

We asked each of them why they decided to join Canny instead. Here are the main reasons they mentioned. If these qualities resonate with you and your lifestyle, we want to hear from you. Our open positions are listed on our careers page.

Work remotely

We built Canny as a remote company since day one. We knew we didn’t want an office. Neither of us resonated with having a traditional go-into-the-office desk job again. We also didn’t want to be limited to hiring in a specific area.

Working remotely means more flexibility for our whole team.

Canny gave me the freedom and the support to move to a different country.


Work where you want

I used to commute 1.5 hours to and from work. If you like working from home, work from home. I like working from coffee shops sometimes.

Remote work means you can work from where you feel most productive that day. Save that commute time and spend it on more important things. 

Goodbye rush hour traffic, hello sweatpants. 

Work when you want

Not everyone is at their peak productivity from 9am to 5pm. Other than during meetings, your time is yours. If you would rather work at night than during the day, that’s your prerogative.

There are some days when I wake up at 5am and do all my work by noon, and then there are days where I hit the snooze button until 1pm and do my best work at midnight.


Many people have kids and errands to take care of. Remote work means you take back ownership of your schedule. If you need to go walk the dog, go for it!

At Canny, I’m trusted. I’m trusted to get my work done, to pick the tools I need, to work in the way I work best. I don’t feel ‘managed.’ I feel led.


People often talk about time as their most valuable resource. What would you do with more time?

As an engineer, a big selling point is that engineering time is used efficiently. We’re building a tool that listens to customer feedback, so we actually build things that our customers want.


And, with a more efficient schedule, I can invest more time into other interests. I’m proud to be involved with Canny’s mission, but I’m also proud of my own interests in relationship building, music production and software.


Benefits aside, remote work isn’t for everyone. You need to be highly self-motivated and in complete control of your productivity. If you have that, remote work can be glorious.

It was not an option for me to join a non-remote company. The reason for that is simple—working from home gives me the flexibility I need to be at my most productive.


Team retreats

Our team is currently spread across the world.

While we love working remotely, we also make it a point to see each other in person. A former coworker of Elen’s once said, “Relationships are built in person, and maintained online,” and we take that to heart. 

Our team retreats are for team bonding. We try to get together twice a year. We pick a destination and all fly over to hang out for a week—all expenses paid. Our retreats so far have been to Lisbon, Split, Prague, Denver, and Barcelona.

Here’s a video showing some highlights of our adventures in Spain:

During the day, we work. We prioritize the things we need to discuss with others. We’ve also done a hackathon which is a fun way to get everyone involved with the same thing.

Retreats pack a year’s worth of social interaction into a week. They bring the team together more than everyday office interactions ever could.


By night, we play. It’s amazing how much you gain from just hanging out in person. We explore the city together by checking out local spots and eating local food. We’ve conquered escape rooms and have gone on day trips via scooter.

Scooter gang

I’ve come back from every single one of them with literal jaw cramps from laughing too much.


Good things happen when you have great people all together in a new city. It’s by meeting in person that we really see how well we get along and learn about each other outside of work. Our retreats have definitely brought us closer.

Company trajectory

Of course, we can’t ignore the financial side of things. Joining a startup is a risk. You want to make sure you’re placing your bet on a winning team.

The first thing that caught my eye was the very small team versus what they’d accomplished already. Four employees? Yet completely bootstrapped, profitable, and steadily growing? Clearly the people behind the product had to be incredibly smart, hard working, and devoted. Sign me up.


We launched just over four years ago, and we’re making $1.8m per year in annual recurring revenue, 20% of which is profit. What’s more, we’re growing 80 to 100% annually.

canny company trajectory
Canny’s trajectory

All of our offers come with equity. Since we don’t have investors, we give more to the people actually working on Canny. We want everyone on the team to feel ownership over what we’re putting our hearts into everyday. By giving you a piece of the pie, you are more motivated to make it the best it can be.

Venture-backed startups are also an option. A risk with venture-backed companies is your equity could be worthless due to liquidation preference. If a VC-backed company sells for $100m, you could get $0. If Canny sells for $100m, you will get whatever % you own. We believe this is fair, and how startups should work.

Some venture-backed startups also can’t offer a stable salary. Sometimes, they need to rely on another round of funding to continue paying everyone. That is a tricky situation and one we wouldn’t like to be in.

Canny is bootstrapped, profitable, and growing. That means we make enough money to cover our operating costs every month. We answer to nobody but ourselves and our customers. We are in full control of the money we spend and the product that we’re building.

I love working at Canny because I have the freedom to do my work and be creative about it. I get direction when I ask, but have autonomy to do my work.

I love that we are bootstrapped and can make decisions that are best for our customers without having to report to a board. I love how everyone is always so excited and positive. 


Startup experience

At the beginning of my career, I thought working at Facebook would prepare me for starting my own company. The truth is, nothing will really prepare you for that except for working at a startup.

If you want to start your own company someday, joining a startup is advantageous. Startups do things differently than large enterprises. People wear more hats so you’re involved in more things.

As Canny grows, I get to face new and interesting technical challenges. This means that as the company grows, I grow with it. And I love it.


Large companies have their product offerings figured out. As a startup, we’re still experimenting with a lot of things. It’s more about taking risks than making small optimizations. You have the opportunity to learn what it means to build a valuable product from the ground up.

Being bootstrapped allows us to focus 100% on customer feedback—no VC or “higher up” pressure. I’d like to create my own product someday and working at Canny has taught me a lot about how to build a valuable product.


At Canny, you also have the chance to try things outside your expertise. At large companies, they have dedicated people for every specialized role. If you’re an engineer who wants to write, why not?

We can take more risks. We can iterate on things quickly and easily backtrack in the worst case. We don’t have any investors to please. Your potential for impact at a startup is much higher.

We hear about people’s distaste for company politics all the time. People stepping over you to climb the ladder. Having to go through endless numbers of people to get approval for projects. You name it. At Canny, everything is a simple conversation so most of our time is dedicated to execution.

We’re looking for people who like to try new things. They can adapt to new problems and environments. They also take initiative and speak up when we could be doing something better. At an established corporation, you’re a cog in the machine. At a startup, you’re building the machine.

There are a lot of great challenges to overcome and great problems to solve. I don’t do mundane stuff, and I learn something new every single day. The learning opportunities and the level of satisfaction I get from what I do is super high.


We’re looking for people who are excited to join a small team. They want to have a big impact on where we go as a company.

Our team

Last but definitely not least, our team. Our product is nothing without the stellar team behind it. Our success depends on how well this team works together.

Hacking in Denver

Hiring was a huge step for us. I’ll be honest, I was nervous in the beginning. The thought of trusting other people (basically strangers) with our company was crazy.

Turns out, we must be great judges of brains and character because we love our team! We managed to find and convince highly qualified people from all over the world to join our growing startup.

The team is amazing. I feel like I’m working with some of the smartest people in the world. They always help me out when I’m stuck or need some backup. Everybody puts in effort to help their teammates when it is necessary.


As a remote team, it’s even more important that we invest time in our inter-team relationships. We know about each other’s families, hobbies, and quirks. We speak up when things need to be said, good or bad.

I find it incredible that even though we’re all very different people, we gel with each other like nobody’s business. I feel like there’s an alignment between us that reaches beyond just work.


The people at Canny are what make it a joy to work here. I don’t just have colleagues, I have actual friends!


Need I say more?

I don’t want to spoil too much, so I’ll end off here. If you like what you’ve read, let us know. We’re always looking to add more rockstar people to the team.

Check out our open roles on our careers page. If you have any questions, send us a message. We’d love to hear from you.

Sarah Hum

Hey there, I'm one of the co-founders of Canny. As a founder, I dabble in pretty much everything but my expertise is in product design. Outside work, I enjoy digital illustration, a cappella, and hanging out with our dog, Emmy.

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Year four in review: overcoming the unexpected Wed, 10 Mar 2021 10:00:00 +0000 We just celebrated Canny's four year anniversary, and we're sharing some big themes from the last year.

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The post Year four in review: overcoming the unexpected appeared first on Canny Blog.

First off, we want to say thank you to everyone who read and shared our post about reaching $1m in annual recurring revenue

We’ve shared a bunch of learning lessons over there, so check it out if you haven’t already. Also see our reviews of year one, two, and three.

Here are highlights from this year:

  • Over $1.4m in annual recurring revenue
    I still remember the days we were making no money, so this boggles my mind.
  • 9-person team (hiring for 10!)
    We added more stellar people to the team and we’re still all remote.
  • 0 retreats
    More of a lowlight but we’re so looking forward to when we can safely travel again.
  • Raised $0
    Still no plans to change this! 

For this review, I want to share some big themes from the last year. We also get questions through Twitter and Indie Hackers so I’ll try to weave those in as well.

Obviously, this past year was a weird one. Andrew and I ended our nomad journey and moved back to Toronto just a few months before things went down. 

Days after we published our year 3 review, schools closed, and restaurants went delivery-only. This wouldn’t be a year in review without talking about the pandemic.

Navigating the pandemic

In March 2020, our team was planning our fifth retreat which would be in Mexico City. 

Bri, Jake, and Jacques had just joined the team, so we were extra excited. COVID cases were starting to climb but it wasn’t clear yet how serious it was. 

As things started getting worse, Andrew and I had to make the tough choice of postponing the retreat. The trip wasn’t worth risking our lives over. Looking back, I’m very glad we made that decision.

Business-wise, we had no idea what to expect. I remembered nothing about the 2008 financial crisis. The cancellations started increasing in March, particularly from customers in industries closely impacted by the virus. April ended up being our worst month ever for churn. We kept a list of COVID-related churn and have since won some of them back.

What we did have control over was our cash balance. Being profitable also means that number is growing every month. Even if we lost 50% of our revenue overnight, we’d still have 18 months of runway.

We were fortunate to already be remote so our work lives didn’t change. We knew it would take a serious collapse to take us down.

Luckily, that didn’t happen. Churn returned to normal in May and we actually had some of our best months of growth after that. Due to working remotely, teams are adopting more products that facilitate team collaboration.

After an initial dip, cloud/SaaS took off around April 2020. Source: BVP

By the end of the year, Ned and Ramiro had joined the team. 

Growth was great. Everyone got a raise and money that we would’ve spent on retreats went to the team via bonuses. 

Overall, we’re very lucky to be in an industry that hasn’t been hit especially hard. We’re thankful we have our health and are able to continue operating mostly as usual.

Takeaway: In times of uncertainty, profitability and having a significant runway meant everything. Nobody worried about losing their job. We stayed heads down and powered through.

Founder time split

What Andrew and I spend time doing has changed over the years.

As makers, the early years was a lot of execution: building and designing Canny the product.

Over time, we’ve been doing more and more management. Planning, reviewing work, giving feedback, delegation, people management, and more.

To make room for all that, we’ve had to get good at a few things:


If someone else can do a task, we put it on their radar. This was challenging because we were so used to doing small tasks here and there. That said, every little thing adds up.

Delegation has been a struggle for me and I avoided it for a long time.

I didn’t want to be the kind of co-founder who lays back while his team does all the hard work. But at some level, you’re just overloaded and you need help.

I was surprised to find that people actually didn’t mind at all. If anything, they wanted to help.

– Andrew

Andrew’s initial attitude was that he should cover technical support to shield the rest of the team. We now have a support rotation where every engineer (Andrew included) does support for a week.

Suffice to say, trusting our team is a must. It’s their responsibility to decide what they should work on based on impact. They set goals and work to hit them. From there, we have tight feedback loops with our weekly one-on-ones and monthly reviews.

In the past, I knew every single thing that was happening at Canny. Now, I hear about things that I had no idea were happening. It’s a beautiful thing.

Scoping things down

We were pretty good at this already. We’re always focused on shipping MVPs and are conscious of scope creep.

For every added functionality, we ask ourselves:

  • Is this required for the feature to work/solve our customers’ problem?
  • Is this a really common use case or more of an edge case?
  • Is there a workaround?

It’s almost always possible to add functionality afterward. It’s much worse to build something only to rip it out later.

Increasing efficiency

Sometimes there are things we could’ve done in the past to save us compounding time in the future. 

Some examples of this:

  • In engineering, investing more time in DevOps so we have faster builds, deploys, etc.
  • In support, writing help articles and saved replies
  • In marketing, setting up more advanced analytics to inform future marketing efforts

Lastly, we’re always keeping an eye on growing gaps in the business. Those are opportunities to bring in more experts.

Takeaway: It’s the small things that really add up and become very disruptive. Especially if they cause a lot of context switching.

Eliminating the small things was crucial to us maintaining our sanity and having a clear mind to think high level.

Starting to do sales

For the first few years, we were an inbound machine. Inbound marketing, to a self-serve trial, to conversion. Every once in a while Andrew and I would do demos. Once Jacques joined us in Customer Success, he took over demoing to smaller prospects while I handled bigger ones.

As Canny matured as a product, we had growing interest from bigger companies. All of them demanded more complex sales cycles. Eventually, I was doing a lot of inbound sales. 

A large part of my week was following up with people and doing demos. It was a good problem to have, but it was becoming clear that we should have a dedicated person on sales.

A typical week of demos

So, we put up our first sales listing. This person would be taking over inbound and spinning up outbound sales for the first time. We were looking for someone we could imagine selling to us. Someone with no ego and who would be a great culture-fit.

Just like with other roles, we had sales candidates do an assignment. We sent them a demo recording of mine and had them give me feedback. We wanted to see if they really knew their stuff and if they could be critical.

Ned dropping some knowledge via our assignment

Ned joined us in August 2020 and hit the ground running. For the next few months, he worked on becoming a Canny expert, getting our processes in place, and setting goals. Meanwhile, I ramped down on sales which freed me up significantly.

Takeaway: Unlocking sales can be huge for any company. That said, it takes a lot of time and patience to get right. 

For an initial sales hire, look for someone who knows the fundamentals but isn’t afraid to try (and fail at) new approaches. From there, it’s just about testing and iterating on what’s working.

Hiring legal counsel

Another big gap for us was legal. 

In general, we try to do a lot of ops-related things ourselves. We got by for a while by drafting our own terms and reviewing contracts. However, legal is harder to skirt around and doing something wrong could have serious consequences. We eventually started to feel in over our heads.

Unlike sales, we didn’t have enough work for a full-time lawyer. We ended up contracting counsel to help us level up. It was important that we handled bigger customers professionally. This also gave us peace of mind since we no longer wonder if we did something wrong.

Takeaway: Being scrappy is great, but we also need to be reasonable and aware of risks. At some point, it makes sense to bite the bullet and bring in professionals. 

Everything is a business expense anyway. We just need to make sure we’re still profitable on top of these expenses.

Quality time

We’ve always valued getting to know our teammates beyond work. That’s why we invested a lot into going on team retreats. 

Of course, as travel didn’t happen last year, we made do with online team hangouts. 

I think we’ve done a really good job with keeping up our culture.

Especially, considering we haven’t been able to have any retreats and have more than doubled the team.

Stuff like this can be super un-motivating and hard on people. We pay very close attention to how team members are doing and feeling, and making sure we still get some quality time.

– Elen

After surveying the team, we decided our sweet spot is scheduling a team hangout every ~6 weeks. Our team especially enjoys playing games together. 

Ned failed to guess what Elen was drawing

Also, making food together:

We’re excited to teach each other new things, too. Ramiro can pick a pair of handcuffs with a bobby pin and there’s fierce competition over who can cook the best steak. Can’t wait to do an in-person taste test and settle the debate once and for all! 

Something we do daily is our Question of the Day (#QOTD) Slack channel. It’s a great, lightweight way for us to connect. The more gifs and emoji reacts, the better.

Having the #QOTD channel has helped me get to know everyone better. I think it’s a helpful resource for building cohesion.

– Jacques
This team is divided on many things. Don’t get us started on pineapple pizza.

Takeaway: Making sure your team is happy doesn’t have to be a huge effort. Find time to laugh together and learn about each other.

Personal time and personal goals

Working at a startup doesn’t mean putting in 80-hour weeks. We have very reasonable expectations around workload. Which means, we all have time for a life outside of work. 

It’s become even more critical for us to find enjoyment after work now that we’re spending so much more time at home.

For Andrew and me, life after work consists of:

  • Personal hobbies
  • (Some) exercising
  • Our dog

Last September, Andrew and I adopted a dog from Korea.

It’s been a big change to take care of someone other than ourselves. While she is a lot of work, it’s been great to have built-in breaks throughout our day. We got very lucky with a quiet, patient, well-behaved pup.

It’s also very rewarding to teach her new things. So far, she knows sit, down, stand, leave it, wave, paws up, middle, pretty, spin, play dead, bow, crawl, pray, get in, back, place, heel, loop, roll over, cover, and cross. 

The team did some pretty cool personal stuff last year:

  • Jacques: Lost 50lbs and started learning his sixth language.
  • Jake: Launched his first public side project.
  • Elen: Became an official member of the search/rescue team and volunteer at the fire/rescue department in Estonia.
  • Bri: Packed up all her belongings and moved across the country to Austin, Texas, by herself.
  • Andrew: Ranked in the top 1% of players in Rocket League.
  • Dan: Hit his goal to be under 200lbs and learned 20ish songs on guitar.
  • Ramiro: Spent a lot of time with his girlfriend and got back to guitar playing.
  • Ned: Got back into coaching strength and conditioning on the side.
  • Sarah: Completed over 100 illustrations and hit 75k followers.

Takeaway: Burnout is real. It helps to find fulfillment/passion outside of work.

Year 5

I can’t believe we’re going into year five.

I’m so grateful to the stellar team that we have. They make my job easy by taking initiative and stepping up to challenges. Ned has taken sales off my mind, leaving me with space to do what I’m actually good at. Bri has taken over my dream of having a Canny podcast (stay tuned). Sometimes, the engineering team doesn’t even need mockups from me!

I love being able to do so much with a small team. It really pushes us to stay scrappy and be critical about what we spend our time on.

The thing about a 6% monthly growth goal is it gets 6% harder to hit every month. Year five will be about covering some new use cases to expand our core offering. Having a great product will always be our strength. Our challenge is to solve complex problems with clean, elegant solutions.

Year four was a weird one for reasons outside our control but we made it memorable anyway. I’m excited to go through another great year with this gang.

Onwards to year five!

Sarah Hum

Hey there, I'm one of the co-founders of Canny. As a founder, I dabble in pretty much everything but my expertise is in product design. Outside work, I enjoy digital illustration, a cappella, and hanging out with our dog, Emmy.

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Introducing Canny 2.0: What’s new (and how we slow-released our product update) Wed, 27 Jan 2021 12:00:52 +0000 We’re releasing the biggest visual change to Canny ever. Here's what's new, and why we slow-released 2.0 and listened to user feedback.

The post Introducing Canny 2.0: What’s new (and how we slow-released our product update) first appeared on Canny Blog.

The post Introducing Canny 2.0: What’s new (and how we slow-released our product update) appeared first on Canny Blog.

We’re releasing the biggest visual change to Canny since we launched. 

Essentially what we did is moved from a restricted-width layout to a full-width layout. 

I know that doesn’t sound like much, but it’s been an intimidating product update change to make.

To be clear, this only affects the Canny admin view. Public, end-user views remain unchanged.

From day one, our customers have expressed how much they like Canny for its simplicity and ease of use. With 2.0, we’re trading some simplicity for power.

Having more screen real estate means our customers can see more and do more. We want to pack more power into Canny and the old layout was constricting. 

That said, balancing simplicity and power will always be important to us. That’s why we’ve made incremental changes and we’ve been testing 2.0 for about 8 months.

How we slow-released Canny 2.0

I worked at Facebook where the smallest change could confuse and frustrate millions of users. I knew we’d want to make sure existing customers had plenty of time to get familiar with 2.0.

So, we rolled out 2.0 in phases:

1. Explicit opt-in for the 2.0 beta
We added a button in the account dropdown to opt-in to 2.0.

Some people found the button and tried 2.0. About a month after, we emailed people letting them know about the beta. 

This was the longest phase, lasting about 6 months. We got a lot of feedback and implemented improvements. People always had the option to go back to 1.0.

2. Auto opt-in for new customers
New customers wouldn’t be exposed to 1.0. We wanted to make sure newly onboarded users had a good experience with 2.0.

3. Forced opt-in for existing customers
At this point, we were quite happy with 2.0. We switched people who had never tried 2.0 or had opted-out previously into the beta.

Everyone still had the option to switch back to 1.0—under 10% did.

4. Deprecating 1.0
1.0 served us well but it’s time for Canny’s next phase. We’re closing the chapter on 1.0 so we can fully focus on the new Canny.

What actually changed

I wanted to highlight some significant changes that come with Canny 2.0.

Feedback view

We merged the post list view with the posts themselves. It’s now represented more like an inbox where you can easily switch between posts. 

Post views are the most active in Canny so we wanted to make navigating around zippier. 

With this change, we were also able to include:

Voters modal

We moved the voters list from a separate page to a lightweight modal. 

The voters modal supports:

  • Showing the MRR impact of a feature
  • Segmenting voters


Similar to the feedback view, we merged the user list with their profile pages. You can easily select the user you want and view their feedback on the same page.

We also merged in searching for companies/accounts. Searching and selecting a company will show feedback across all the users in that company.


Previously, you had to toggle back and forth between markdown and the public preview while drafting changelog entries. Now, you can see the preview as you draft.


The 1.0 mobile view was not usable. The 2.0 mobile view is!

Feedback and accepting tradeoffs

As I mentioned, during our 2.0 beta phase, we got a bunch of feedback. 

A lot of it was negative. Most often, we heard that people were overwhelmed by how much information was on screen. 

To combat this negative feedback, we:

  1. Added the ability to collapse a sidebar
  2. Adjusted the layout to introduce more white space
  3. Muted features that could be less prominent

More functionality often means more complexity. We accepted some tradeoffs and did our best to simplify. Overall, we’re trying to make using Canny easier.

We know we’re not going to please everyone—especially people who were used to 1.0. But, these kinds of changes take time to get comfortable with. 

Over time, we also got a bunch of positive feedback:

It’s never easy to make big changes to a product, but we wanted to make decisions that would help Canny continue to grow as a product going forward.

We took it slowly—making sure to roll out in phases and listen to users. From there, we iterated based on that feedback. It was important for us to give our existing customers input in the new Canny they’d be using. 

Canny 2.0 also sets us up for some exciting things we have planned this year. We can’t wait to share them with you!

Canny free trial

Sarah Hum

Hey there, I'm one of the co-founders of Canny. As a founder, I dabble in pretty much everything but my expertise is in product design. Outside work, I enjoy digital illustration, a cappella, and hanging out with our dog, Emmy.

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The post Introducing Canny 2.0: What’s new (and how we slow-released our product update) first appeared on Canny Blog.

The post Introducing Canny 2.0: What’s new (and how we slow-released our product update) appeared first on Canny Blog.

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